
Thursday, June 19, 2008

doctorspeak and drugs 

So a while back I took my impinged shoulder to be ultrasounded by nice Dr Speed, who is, musculoskeletally-speaking, something of an expert. She confirmed that my impinged shoulder was indeed impinged and furthermore I have a pseudo-winging shoulderblade. This all, apparently , the result of Bad Muscle Habits. I got prescribed some pretty serious anti-inflammatories (specifically 50mg Diclofenac Sodium Enteric Coated Tablets for all you pharmaceutical fans out there) and was referred on to be X-rayed at Addenbrookes Hospital (for whom, incidentally, I just did some illustrations). Somewhere down the line I get new and different physiotherapy but apparently there's a three month waiting list. So no cricket for me this summer then. Such a loss to the game...

In other health news I spent part of last week wondering if I had hayfever or a cold and eventually concluded that in fact I had both. The sore throat therein failed to disappear and hooked up with a persistent irritating girly cough that kept me awake into the night some nights. I told my dad about it. He said "Ooh, that sounds like what I just had. I'd got a chest infection. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics and it cleared up in a couple of days". Later, I mentioned it to The Woman Formerly Known As The Missus (TWFKATM hereafter, should the need arise) who said "Ooh, that sounds like what I just had. I'd got a chest infection. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics and hopefully it will clear up in a couple of days". So I went to see my doctor and, guess what, I'm on antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Pharmheads). So maybe in a couple of days I'll be well (iffy shoulder aside) which would be nice.

More news and drawings that make me sound a little less like I'm seventy-odd soon.

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