
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

monsters and bad sport 

I've been working on a sample comic strip featuring monsters lately (in an attempt to play to my strengths) which I shan't be showing you in full anytime soon but here's a sample panel:

And in sports news it is becoming apparent that a winter spent practising cricket in weekly indoor net sessions has done no good whatsoever as Sunday saw my third score of nought in five innings (and the other two scores were two and three). This is not good. Furthermore, it transpires that using ones knees to field is somewhat inadvisable. I am rubbish. If only I didn't love it so much.

My squash playing has turned rubbish too though that's probably something to do with going almost three months without playing (a bit of back trouble, a bit of knee trouble - specifically a Baker's Cyst, probably - and then just failing to organise anything for a while). Oh well, at least the rounders* season is going okay so far.

* "That game that girls play at school" - Pete Ashton

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