Tuesday, May 23, 2006
This current spell of relative quietude is likely to continue for a little while. I'm working on the cover for another Stephen Davies book for Andersen Press and also trying to come up with ideas for something else for someone else which might turn out to be something very interesting but about which I can't say anything (no, not even to you, [your name here]).
Anyway, so I'll probably not be writing as often to you all my dears but don't think that this in any way means I've forgotten about you. And hopefully there'll still be the occasional drawing randomly posted up now and again. Like, for instance, this chap with a badly placed ear...
I was so pleased to learn that you were up for illustrating 'Sophie and the Locust Curse', Dave - the only downside as I can see it is that you won't be posting here so often.
To be honest it oughtn't to be making so very much difference to how often I post but I've for some reason hit a bit of a fallow period at the same time as far as interesting doodles or things to say are concerned. Hopefully I'll be a bit more chatty (and drawy - it is a word, I just invented it) in the coming week.
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