Monday, March 21, 2005
So anyway, my excuse for a lack of posting last week is that I was away at the seaside for a couple of days at the end of the week and trying to get ahead with work in the days preceding that.
I had a jolly nice time, thank you for asking, down in sunny Brighton (plus an afternoon in its more homely second cousin Worthing) seeing a bunch of splendid friends I have down that way. Highlights included: onion soup (from a Jamie Oliver recipe but made less dangerous by my friends Chris and Catherine); balancing a My Little Pony on top of a My Little Pony annual (2004) on my head to amuse a 5 year-old; beating said 5 year-old at noughts and crosses and thus causing her to cry (an over-reaction frankly - it's not as if it was all her pocket money that I won); a goodly amount of time spent with Mr Michael Chester, which is always stimulating and inspirational; finally buying a ukulele.
And of that last, I should think, more later. For now, though, I had better sniff the old grindstone for a spell.
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