Friday, November 21, 2014
work in progress
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
from the archives
John Purcell Paper A5(ish) sketchbook number 3, begun 25th July 2001
I was having to draw a scene at a swimming pool for a trade union's booklet about health issues - not the most glamorous job but a sizeable commission just as I was finally dumping my part time day job and going full time as a freelance illustrator. So, very handy at the time but it doesn't necessarily make for the most thrilling sketchbook pages in retrospect.
Click for bigger, if, you know, that's what you want.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
work in progress
Friday, November 14, 2014
scrap, singular
scraps, plural
back of an envelope
book cover design for beginners
Excavating down through the strata of detritus atop my desk recently I found the original scrap of paper with the idea for the cover of Thirteen Chairs on it (now somewhat stained by tea. At least I think it's tea. The smart money says that's the most likely explanation). You can just about make out the thirteenth chair at bottom right in Tippex.
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
from the archives
John Purcell Paper A5(ish) sketchbook number 3, begun 25th July 2001
I've got a feeling that the shrugging chap in the stripy blazer was based on a fella in Fry and Laurie's TV version of Jeeves and Wooster.
Oh, and a little bit of dismembered nudity. But we're all mature folk here, aren't we?
Click for bigger, if, you know, that's what you want.