Wednesday, March 03, 2021
Notebook spread
Thursday, July 18, 2019
some scribbles
Sunday, April 14, 2019
more Noir Dogs
Thursday, March 14, 2019
paperback writer

As of last week, my last book (slightly rebranded as Emily Lime, Librarian Detective: The Book Case) is available in super affordable paperback form with the splendid new Ness Wood-designed cover seen above.
Buy now, buy many and buy often, preferably from your local lovely independent bookstore (God bless 'em, every one), or alternatively from...
David Fickling Books
Hive Books
Or even Amazon (if you must).
some noir dogs
Thursday, November 01, 2018
Inktober 2018
Never joined in the whole Inktober thing before, but I thought I'd give it a go this year. Envisaged myself carving out an hour or so each day to produce a considered, beautifully conceived and expertly executed piece, neatly central on a pristine piece of cartridge paper. But of course I ended up with a rather rag tag mix of doodles in the margins of newspapers (photographed out of focus on my phone), failed efforts at something more substantial, three days missed entirely... But, still, there are a handful that turned out okay, I think. Anyway, in the interests of chronicling it all in one place (and because I haven't posted here at all in God knows how long), here they all are...