
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

from the archives 

John Purcell Paper A5(ish) sketchbook number 4, begun Septemberish 2002

Clickify to biggify.

name that tune 

An old, old thing, pretty much forgotten about, but during a splendid visit to see Mr Michael Chester last week the original artwork was returned to me. I'm deeply embarrassed by much of the drawing (and the lettering) but I'm a little bit fond, still, of some of the storytelling. So here it is. Name that tune.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

from the archives 

John Purcell Paper A5(ish) sketchbook number 4, begun Septemberish 2002

WARNING: contains no human or monkey nudity, but bad drawing.

Crikey, that's a bit dull. What's the next one like?

Ah yes, fractionally more interesting at least: some stuff relating to my Christmas small press book A Horrible Christmas (or at least playing about with a bandage-clad invisible man, who featured therein); some scribbles relating to my (poor) contribution to a collaborative Wall Comic, curated by Tom Gauld, displayed at London's ICA as part of the inaugural season of Comica events; some stuff based on images in Charles Burns's Close Your Eyes book - itself a collection of drawings Burns made derived from the works of others (sometimes pretty much straight copies, sometimes more like cover versions).

Clickify to biggify.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

from the archives 

John Purcell Paper A5(ish) sketchbook number 4, begun Septemberish 2002

WARNING: contains both human and monkey nudity, and bad drawing.

Clickify to biggify.


Some scraps, mostly from round the edges of a book cover I'm working on at the moment (but only one of the images here is even faintly relevant to what's happening in the middle of the page where the proper work is going on).

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