
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

from the archives 

Seawhite of Brighton A6 sketchbook number 12, begun April 23rd, 1998

Bigness of picture may be achieved in the usual fashion, if desired.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

from the archives 

Bigness of picture may be achieved in the usual fashion, if desired.

a cat and an accidental Tilda Swinton, kinda 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

from the archives 

Seawhite of Brighton A6 sketchbook number 12, begun April 23rd, 1998

Hmm, that's a bit dull. Have another two...

Bigness of picture may be achieved in the usual fashion, if desired.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

from the archives 

Seawhite of Brighton A6 sketchbook number 12, begun April 23rd, 1998

Bigness of picture may be achieved in the usual fashion, if desired.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

inky crows 

Count down the days until The Main Squeeze and two other irritatingly talented illustrators exhibit gorgeous things in our home here.

More details closer to the time.


At the risk of ruining it all for you, here's a peek at a page of workings out and doodles, including the full rough layouts of episode 12 of Good Dog, Bad Dog: Double Identity, which is currently being serialised in The Phoenix.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

from the archives 

Seawhite of Brighton A6 sketchbook number 12, begun April 23rd, 1998

Some notes on that right hand page towards the comic strip I was creating as my major project on the Brighton MA course, Celebrity Deaths. It was a kind of comedy noir thing in which I had various unpleasant TV celebrities bumped off in vaguely ironic fashion. Probably would have worked better as a five page Judge Dredd strip in the 2000AD of my youth, to be honest. I think it ended up running to about 50 pages with great chunks of clunky exposition crashing into view at regular intervals. All in all, it wasn't very good. I hope I've learned a little since then.

Bigness of picture may be achieved in the usual fashion, if desired.

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