Tuesday, September 23, 2008
a Brum do
I shall be attending The Birmingham International Comics Show the weekend after next (October 4-5). As a proper guest! With my name on a badge and everything! Like a real professional!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
inky fingers
So I'm now working on the final episode of The Dogs' Dinner (episode four - featuring the return of Fifi LaConfiture and a predictable Edward Hopper pastiche - in today's Guardian, online versions of all the episodes to date readable here, if you must, but better to buy the paper and get your fingers inky). I've vowed, rather randomly, not to shave again until it's all done and dusted. As such, it's all gone a bit wild man of the mountains hereabouts, by my standards anyway, though nothing to rival the chinly thatch that goodly mister Joel Stewart has sometimes been known to sport.
Anyway, here's a sneaky peek at a panel from episode seven. He's the bad guy. Boo!
Next week I shall be finishing off the finish finally and talking with Lovely Ben, my editor, about what to do next.
And then the week after that I shall most likely be sleeping.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
headline news
Heard on the Radio 4 news something to the effect of "Afghans seized in lorry-load of champagne" and instantly pictured illegal immigrants holding their breath in a tanker of fizz rather than hiding amongst crates on the back of a lorry.
Or maybe they'd have snorkels?
interview with the boss
Splendid interview with DFC godhead, David Fickling. Well worth a read. The man's enthusiasm could power the nation.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
go and look at...
Today's Western Nostril cartoon.
Also, m'good friend Mr Roger Langridge has just begun a lovely new strip called
Mugwhump The Great which is bound to amuse and delight (and instil envy in the dark souls of fellow cartoonists) as it unfolds.